About the Department


Sanskrit is a repository of unlimited invaluable knowledge of Ancient Indian Heritage. There is an urgent need for knowledge mining from Ancient Sanskrit Science and Technology texts for bridge building between the past and the future through the present. Keeping this in view, a unique research oriented Department of Sanskrit Studies was established in 2006 which will act as an interface between Sanskrit and the sub-fields of the Humanities, Social Sciences and the Sciences.

Goals and Objectives

* To build bridges between the Ancient Indian knowledge systems and the current knowledge systems,
* To explore Ancient Sciences and Technologies with a modern perspective to build alternate viable systems for the future,
* To collect, preserve, and maintain the manuscripts dealing with Ancient Indian Sciences and Technology,
* To train traditional scholars in order to undertake research in application oriented knowledge mining.


The Department offers
* Ph.D. Programme in Sanskrit Studies. While the present focus is on Language Technologies, the Department encourages research in Sanskrit Studies in other disciplines such as Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Ayurveda, etc. The Programme extends over a minimum period of two years from the date of confirmation of admission. The nature of programme is individually decided for each candidate which may include two courses and a dissertation on an approved topic under the faculty guidance.

*M.Phil Programme The Department offers an M.Phil. Programme in Shabdabodha Systems and Language Technologies. This is a two semester programme. The first semester consists of course work with minimum 16 credits. In the Second Semester student carries out research on an approved topic under the Faculty guidance leading to a dissertation.