List of Special Lectures - 2010
Sl.No. |
Date |
Title of the Event |
Speaker |
1 | 5th January | Indian Influences in Polish Literature | By Prof.Lidia Sudyka, Jagiellonian University |
2 | 22nd January | The canonical form of roots in पानिणीय धातुपाठः | |
3 | 5th February | Public and Private Ethics Concerning a Women's Fidilety in various versions of the stories of rama | By Prof. Peter M.Scharf |
4 | 17th February | Meaning and Sence of Padhartha in various school of thought: A very short introduction | By Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
5 | 19th February | Acousto - mechanotronics of human language acquisition and communication | Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
6 | 22nd February | ||
7 | 23rd February | Paninian Grammar & Modern linguistics with special references to Shabdhabodha-II | By Acharya Sudyumna Ji Presentation |
8 | 3rd March | Distinguished Lecture on Panini and padakaras : Evidence of early arguments concerning segmentation | By Prof. George Cardona |
9 | 10th March | AITAREYA-UPANISAD : ITS STRUCTURE AND SEMIOTICS | By Prof. Mislav Jezic |