The Department Of Sanskrit Studies, University of Hyderabad develops गवेषिका the FIRST Search Engine for Sanskrit.
It integrates
the Sanskrit morphological analyser with the basic search engine
resulting in better search results.
The Sanskrit Search Engine गवेषिका has following search options
- Basic Search:This is a basic search feature where you can search a bare string "as it as" .
- Search with regular expressions:This allows one to search a string with various patterns as shown below.
- str1 AND str2: searches for the instances of both str1 and str2 in the same text.
- str1 OR str2: searches for the instances of either or both occurences.
- str1 +str2: occurences where str2 IS present and optionally str1 may be.
- "str1 str2": literal string "str1 str2"
- In addition you may use the wild characters '?' and '*'.
- Search with morphology enabled: This allows one to search for
strings with variations in their forms due to inflectional suffixes.
- E.g. given राम as a प्रतिपदिकम् (nominal stem) with gender
पुंलिङ्गम् the machine searches occurences of various nominal
declensions of राम such as रामेण , रामस्य etc. allowing the spelling
variations (such as अंकः / अङ्कः) as well.
We acknowledge with thanks the following software tools and corpora used for the development of Search Engine.
Amba Kulkarni, Head, Department of Sanskrit Studies, University of Hyderabad.